State of Social Media 2024 Report!

State of Social Media 2024 Report!

Feature Update: Automated Master Reports Are Available Now!

For our clients, Crowd Analyzer has been an essential tool that serves clients’ business objectives. Hence, our team is constantly improving the features of the Crowd Analyzer to make it easier for clients to export accurate data and analysis.

Because we understand that you want to avoid spending so much time on analysis and data extraction, we updated our reports to include the Master Report.


What is the Master Report?

The master report is a type of reports analyzing data from social media platforms in a specified time-frame. Master reports include insights about traffic, sentiments, reach on several platforms, accounts, and streams.


Why is it special?

Usually, reports that are extracted from online listening tools aren’t presentable or even skimmable. They aren’t easy to read since they include scattered data here and there. Crowd Analyzer’s master report in both Arabic and English allows you to review the report, include your filters, and display your data and insights in simple visuals.


How do master reports help your business?

There are various ways master reports can help your business. When one of the main objectives of any business is to keep track of time and not waste any at all, master reports continue the efficiency of these reports that definitely cross

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