State of Social Media 2024 Report!

State of Social Media 2024 Report!

Crowd Analyzer: Mashable Social Media Day Gold Sponsor

Crowd Analyzer is pleased to be the gold sponsor of one of the most popular and effective social media events; Mashable Social Media Day Egypt. The event, which was attended by more than 2k people, met the expectations of the elite of marketers in the country. Since the event’s agenda was full of speeches, workshops, and panel talks by some of the most remarkable marketing experts in the region, Crowd Analyzer is delighted to be part of this huge gathering.


From Mashable Social Media Day -Egypt


Keynote speakers included Alex Peiniger from Quintly, Mark Hamilton from Facebook, Alexandra Maia from House of Social, and Crowd Analyzer’s CTO Bahaa Galal.


Participation by Crowd Analyzers

Sponsorship wasn’t Crowd Analyzer’s only contribution. Crowd Analyzer participated with two of the most informative and engaging parts of the event. Our amazing CTO, Bahaa Galal, grabbed the attention of all the attendees during his Keynote speech titled Artificial Intelligence in the Middle East. the talk was light enough to explain a complex revolutionary feature that only Crowd Analyzer offers for Arabic-Focused markets. Galal finished his speech at 5:30 p.m. to invest an extra hour and a half more to follow up on questions from the attendees.


Also, our very experienced Director of Research and Client Services, Mohamed Elsherif, was delighted to share his talk titled Social Media Monitoring; Beneath and Beyond with the crowd that went on with questions half an hour after the talk was done. Elsherif’s talk shed the light on the importance and evolution of media monitoring and data analytics. Leaving all of us with the questions about the future of media monitoring and the value of online data.


Our Crowd Analyzers were an asset with their long expertise in technology and data science. Social Media day was an excellent opportunity to share this expertise with the right crowd.


Further Contribution via the Command Center



By now we should all know that an event is never complete without a command center. Of course, since we were highly involved in the event, we had to add our cherry with a command center that was tailored especially for the event. The command center displayed all social media insights in real-time through huge screens. This provoked engagement from many attendees on social media platforms. People loved it! Definitely, some were too engaged. Such as the following:




Some Insights About The Event

Now that the event is done, we can provide you with an overview of the event through data and insights Crowd Analyzer has gathered about The Mashable Social Media Day – Egypt.

  • The top influencer by number of interactions was actress Ola Roshdy who received more than 9.1k likes and comments on posts on Instagram.
  • Male users shared more content about the event than female users, as 46.6% of shared content was shared by male users, while female users contributed with 29.7% of content on social media.
  • Combined mentions and interactions about Social Media Day – Egypt were 5% negative, 8.7% positive, and 86.2% neutral.

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