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State of Social Media 2024 Report!

How Can AI and Machine Learning Help Your Brand Grow?


The alluring concept of artificial intelligence (AI) was born in the 1950s, when Alan Turing conjured up a test for technology capable of mimicking human intelligence. And in some aspects, modern AI has succeeded in outpacing human capabilities. But unlike what Hollywood tells you, there’s more to AI than sentient robots.

Consider this: The world produced 2.5 quintillion — that’s 18 zeroes — bytes of data per day in 2020. 40% of that was generated by machines, as reported by The Tech Trend. Today, we’re living in the age of Big Data, and it would be very challenging without AI.

In fact, AI and machine learning are fast becoming essential tools for modern business and marketing. If you want to learn more about how you can use them to your brand’s advantage, keep on reading!

What is AI, anyway?

Simply put, AI refers to any technology that closely imitates human judgements, intentions, and contemplations. It often uses algorithms to make data-driven decisions.

Meanwhile, machine learning is a subset of AI. It refers to the process of computers learning from new data, either with or without human assistance. In the case of the latter, this means it’ll get better at its job on its own.

These broad definitions allow AI as a whole to be highly versatile. Some everyday uses of AI include ride-sharing apps, email spam filters, and even the algorithm Facebook uses to personalize the newsfeed of each individual user.

How can it work for me?

Data plays a huge role in helping businesses grow by providing key information on their target markets. And, undoubtedly, AI has become an integral part of our everyday lives. That’s why AI is becoming a must-have in the digital marketer’s arsenal, as it makes sifting through all of that data a lot easier.

Here are a few ways AI-generated insights can benefit your brand.

It helps you better understand your customers

The majority of people use social media as a part of their personal lives, and so all the data is out there for you to learn about their preferences.

By programming AI to discover trends across various dimensions, such as age, geographical location, and gender, the Crowd Analyzer Dashboard helps you gain a more accurate understanding about your customers than ever before.

It helps you tailor your content strategy to better fit your audience.

With machine learning, however, you can go even further by predicting future customer behavior and trends, allowing you to better connect with your target market and more effectively promote your brand to them. However, small businesses and entrepreneurs just starting out often have a difficult time putting together a viable content strategy, according to Ayima Hong Kong. That’s because search ranking algorithms tend to favor larger and more established websites, while technical SEO details may be hard to implement for smaller businesses.

If that’s the case, AI can aid you in all stages of content strategy creation. To get you started, this Offline Media Monitoring tool can analyze both online and offline social media use to come up with a list of topics relevant to your target market. And if you’re on a tight budget, AI can even generate the content itself, especially for formulating reports like those on campaign analysis, sports or the stock market.

It saves you money in the long run!

Finally, using AI to help grow your brand reduces costs in a couple of ways. First, it automates a lot of processes, such as market research and content creation, meaning you come up with relevant and effective digital marketing strategies in a fraction of the time.

AI can also utilize dashboards to make highly precise, data-driven decisions. The elevated accuracy and data visualization provided by the Crowd Analyzer Command Center in real time helps you avoid misinterpreting certain trends in customer behavior, preventing you from making costly decisions that might end up having a negative impact on your business.

Want to see more of AI in action? Request a demo with us today.


Written by Cel Warren for



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