State of Social Media 2024 Report!

State of Social Media 2024 Report!

The 5 Steps Needed to Elevate Your Real Estate Social Media Strategy

Every type of business needs a social media presence, hence social media for real estate is crucial. It can help agents find the right audience at the right time. Maintaining an engaging relationship with your customers, helps enhance your brand positioning.

It might be tempting for real estate to promote their business and home listings all the time with no social media strategy set in place. To ensure an effective social media plan, businesses must be alert to monitoring and analyzing social media conversations led by their target audience. Social media is an opportunity to build a relationship with customers by creating relevant content that would keep them interested. 

There are new emerging social media trends constantly on the rise, it can be challenging to stay on top of it.

So we put together the 5 key metrics to consider when using a social media listening tool to elevate your real estate social media strategy:

1. Identify Volume of Conversations 

This is referred to as brand mentions. By identifying the percentage of brand mentions, you will be able to understand the level of visibility in comparison to competitors in the market. By getting a look at the overview market landscape, you will analyze what sparks conversation among users about your brand.

2. Get to Know Your Audience Better

In real estate companies, you are not simply talking to everyone. Your target audience are ones with potential to become buyers. Find out potential buyers/customers by identifying an audience with interest in your service on social media. Knowing more about your audience and potential prospects, will ensure more effective targeted campaigns with higher return on investment. So metrics such as location, gender, age range, time of day people are most active online, and hobbies & interests will help you stay relevant through social media.


3. Focus on Engagement Level 

Engagement level tracks how many people interacted with a piece of content. This could be very useful when benchmarking against other real estate competition, identifying a need in the market or even assessing your own campaign analysis. This number includes likes, comments, shares, and clicks. It is a key indicator to the performance of your social media channels. Every real estate brand should aim at creating engaging content; social media is a two way conversation, so if a company is creating posts, but no one is interacting with it, then the content is going into void. This is a missed opportunity in gaining customers, so if engagement is low then this needs to be addressed by shifting the content and targeting strategy.


4. Pay Attention to Sentiment 

Social media is a platform where real estate audiences usually express their opinions, whether positive or negative; it is what defines your brand reputation. A huge component of brand awareness is understanding how your audience feel about your brand. Positive mentions increase the likelihood of gaining customers, while negative can lead to losing customers if not approached right away.


5. Choose the Right Platform

Although Facebook is one of the big staples of marketing for real estate agents and companies, due to it’s high user demographics in the Middle East and listing features, there are many options to post content on social media; it might be tempting for real estate companies to showcase what they are selling on every available platform. Real estate companies should be selective about which social media platform they will be focusing on whether it is  Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Twitter based on their objective and platform usage. Each platform will help you reach a certain audience and achieve a specific goal. So it all depends on your social media objective. In terms of real estate content, visual content is necessary to always consider.


It is time for brands to invest in improving their social media presence. Social media is not just a place to showcase your property; it is a way to attract customers and convert them to brand advocates. People are using social media to make decisions about purchasing property. In conclusion, the key benefits of using social media listening for real estate is the following:

We are here to support your real estate business with an effective  social media listening tool  that will give you all the information you need to establish a strong social media presence by providing instant real time data that will keep you updated with valuable insights on audience expectations.






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